Ready to stop?

Start here.

Addiction promises temporary highs in exchange for anxiety, depression, financial stress and constant worry. You’ve suffered long enough.

Now, experience the solution.

Beta testing in progress. Public launch October, 2024.

Mockup of the AlchemistOne app home screen.
Why AlchemistOne?

Go beyond addiction.

AlchemistOne will help you escape the hopelessness of dependency. But that’s just the beginning. Connect to a renewed relationship with your thoughts and unlock everything you were seeking through your addiction.

Confidence. Financial stability. Love. Success. It’s all waiting.

Live Your Dream

AlchemistOne is designed to help you discover your own personal ‘best life’. Explore your mind in your own unique way and discover your true self.

Lose the Obsession

Ever feel like you don’t have a choice? Like you’re trapped in addiction, anxiety and depression? Freedom awaits, and it’s a beautiful thing.

Control Your Mind

Did fear, stress, worry, and a constant stream of overwhelming thoughts fuel your addiction? Discover the strength and liberation of a controlled mind.

How it Works

AlchemistOne is your personal sidekick.

Mockup of an AlchemistOne meditation series.

Practice meditation designed specifically for addicts.

Hundreds of hours of content featuring recovering addicts, philosophers and those who have found the solution to their addiction problem.

Discover the inner beauty of your mind and experience tangible improvements in your daily life.

Mockup of an AlchemistOne journal being started.

Reflect in a private, secure space.

Stay connected to yourself and track your growth through journaling, insights, gratitude lists, and personalized private therapy.

Embrace the power of renewing your relationship with both your inner and outer worlds, and witness the transformation unfold.

Mockup of an AlchemistOne workout being started.

Move your body. Feed your soul.

Transform your recovery journey with seamless in-app workout tracking, personalized activity suggestions, and complete integration with Apple HealthKit and Apple Watch.

Achieve your daily health goals and stay motivated every step of the way.


AlchemistOne is designed with you in mind.

Private data. Your recovery is your recovery.

Mockup of a journal entry created through AlchemistOne

Daily Inspiration.

Mockup of a notifications received through AlchemistOne

Track Your Progress.

Mockup of a user's progress through level on AlchemistOne